Saturday, January 24, 2009

Villa Bali

We recently found a great place to chill out. Villa Bali aka Little Bali. Recommended by a friend, we joked back, don't think that Little Nonya is recently a hot topic and you called it Little Bali yourself.

But indeed, it does deserve the name of Little Bali, it's decoration and interior layout really looks like a mini Bali. It reminds me of my vacation at Bintan resort. So relaxing that you might though that you are out of Singapore. The whole restaurant is contructed in wood makes the whole place like a resort. Even the waiters/resses dresses in relaxing Polo Tee and Khaki bermudas.

There was quite a number of negative reviews on their services. We didn't encounter seriously bad service from them as we only went there for a drink and celebrate one of our friend's birthday. We brought in cakes from a coffee house and ordered some drinks. The waiter didn't stop us from eating outside food, probably we did ordered drinks at least. The waiter also offered to provide us with plates and forks for us to enjoy our brought in cakes. We were very contended for their attentiveness.

Although at 30 mins before closing, we were asked to shift to another table that makes us feel inappropriate to shift customer to another seats, their overall service and great environment has covered all the flaws.

We will definitely return to Little Bali for chilling out next time.

Long Island Iced Tea
Bali Starling
Tropical Angel
Chivas 12 Years
Wild Turkey 8 Years

Tropical Angel

Long Island Iced Tea

Starling Bali
